Activity 3 1 Which of the Time Stealers Found Here Could Impact on Your Personal Performance in Varying Work Conditions? Using the Table Provided, Mark the Areas That Might Affect Your Personal Performance. Which of the

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Time stealers Yes/ No Can be by me—yes/ no Method Interruptions – telephone Yes Yes Everyone can get distracted by telephone calls. Best way to deal with this and not let it get in the way (too much) is to get the most out of the call in the quickest way possible. Ask direct questions and expect direct responses Interruptions – personal visitors No Yes Only have personal visitors in your own time Mail and email Yes Yes Everyone can get very distracted by emails. Best thing to do is not give out your work email to friends. Keep work emails for work. Meetings Yes No Meetings are a thing of life. You have to attend them if requested (unless you have a valid reason for not attending.) Be prepared for meetings to go over time – and – be prepared … jot down questions whilst in meeting so that if you are in doubt with anything that has been said, you will be able to effectively ask these things when the time is right Tasks you should have delegated Yes Yes Don’t take on too much of a work load. Only take on what you can handle Procrastination and indecision Yes Yes Have a plan for the day and work to achieve it. Procrastinating only gets you behind. Acting with incomplete information Yes Yes Make sure you have all valid information at hand. With out all information you may need to call, email or pop over to someone’s desk to get the intformaiton required. Which would be a time stealer Dealing with team members Yes Yes Another thing that is just a thing of life. Dealing with out co-workers can be a pain. But remaining professional will help with this. Solving problems that should be solved on the floor Yes Yes As above. If something occurs that should have been dealt with properly, remain calm, cool and collected. If problem can’t be solved by one person, that interject. Crisis management (fire fighting) No No Fire fighting is not in my job

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