Active Listening Memo

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1. Listen Up! Kelly Adams HCA/230 December 21, 2013 Brandi Meriwether 2. The Information Described in this Memo This is a memo from a conference where I learned about active listening and its benefits. In this memo there is a description of the five steps of active listening and the benefits of active listening in the workplace. So this information is shared so the practice’s staff can learn about active listening as well and incorporate this lesson into not only there professional life but their personal lives as well. 3. The five steps of active listening There are five steps of active listening that are important to know when someone works in the medical field. These steps will help health care professionals communicate with each other and their patients better so that way the healthcare professionals get their work done as the best as they can and that way the patient gets the best…show more content…
one is saying that they do this without having criticism or judgments on what the other person is saying. The benefit of this is that a patient can talk to a healthcare professional without having to be afraid of what the professional will say and this can also help the patient get the best care as possible. The last step is response. “Provide your professional opinion of the situation, but do not talk down to the patient just because they do not have the same medical training as you.” 5. References  Active Listening  Mind Tools: Active Listening: Hear What People are Really Saying  eMedicine Health: Active Listening; Kathleen Romito, MD; October 2009  Patient Provider Communication: Training Nurses in Patient Communication; February 2010 Read more: Schmidt, M. (2007, October 7). UW-W grad Stebnitz earns Listen up: How to improve relationships, reduce stress, and be more productive by using the power of listening. New York: St. Martin’s

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