Acid Rain Effects on Indoor Air

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Acid Rain Effects on Indoor Air Direct contact with acid rain, either as rain falling from the sky or from swimming in an acidic lake, does not have a direct impact on the health of humans. But, the pollutants accountable for the creation of acid rain are linked with a rise in respiratory disease and other illnesses. These contaminants may even penetrate indoor spaces producing problems stretching from asthma to premature death. Acid rain forms in the clouds as droplets and then is emitted into the atmosphere and falls to the ground. This causes the rain to become acidic. The main causes that help with the formation of acid rain are sulfur and nitrogen compounds in the atmosphere. The harmful effects of this mixture have harmful effects on the biology and chemistry in water ways, dirt and ecosystems that it touches. Through these effects to the ecosystems it in turn has harmful effects on human body. There are many natural accounts of sulfur and nitrogen that causes acid rain. These are emitted from volcanoes and natural biological decay. We need both of these to stay healthy but in small doses. We are causing more sulfur and nitrogen to be emitted into the air through many different ways. The major human sources for sulfur and nitrogen are emissions from cars, smoke from industrial plants and coal burning power planets. The biggest contributor is the coal burning power planets. The emissions from these power plants that we rely on throughout the country for power, produces the gases that cause acid rain. In the past few years many governments have presented laws that are cutting these emissions and making the planet run more efficiently. Two main methods of decreasing sulfur emissions at the coal power plants or other is fuel switching and scrubbing. Fuel Switching is changing the type of fuel being in the process from coal or oil to natural gas.
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