Achieving and Maintaining Individual Excellence

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Achieving and Maintaining Individual Excellence Patricia De Hoog BSHS/462 September 30, 2012 Jeffrey Codner Achieving and Maintaining Individual Excellence Individual excellence and organizational excellence have a common factor between them. This factor is the ability to establish a vision, and retention of the focus on the processes involved to attain that visional direction. Many times individuals or business’s give up before they reach their full potential. Personal achievement starts with self-mastery and the development of a personal vision, whereas organizational vision establishes the direction and purpose of the business. This paper discusses the process of force field analysis, and examines how Senge’s Five Disciplines pertain to my own individual excellence and personal achievement. Self-Mastery The concept of self-mastery is the ability to control actions, and move forward to accomplish goals and achieve personal excellence. An individual who possesses self-mastery has the ability to control his emotions, actions, and impulses, to achieve his goals. These individual’s possess a clear vision and move toward their goals every day. They are confident about what they want to achieve, and calmly move forward to accomplish long-term objectives Emotions play a part in self-mastery. Those possessing self-mastery do not let their emotions control their lives; they are in charge of their own emotions. It is important to maintain a positive outlook on life and not to place blame yourself when things go wrong. Many times individuals possess a self-fulfilled prophecy of defeatism. This is a quick way to sabotage one’s self from attaining full potential. The awareness of negative thought processes allows an individual to develop cognitive restructuring for more positive attitude and emotions. My Change Model Core

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