Acer Inc Essay

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1. Assess Stan Shih’s abilities as a leader during the start-up phase of Acer?  Vision: During the start-up phase of Acer, Shih shaped the vision based on the shared understanding of the organizational goal, and instituting a strong norm of frugality. His shared the business principles like ‘Acer 1-2-3’ with his employees.  Education and Motivation: Demonstrating responsibility of a leader, Shih had a commitment to employee education, where they could constantly be challenged to ‘think and learn’. By encouraging development of a strong teaching relationship between manager and subordinate, Shih was helping his employees interact more freely, listen more objectively to criticism, and learn .  Other Focused: By allowing employees to purchase shares, Shih diluted his share to less than 25%. As a leader, Shih was others focused – he traded his personal security (higher shares percentage) for a greater good i.e. raise capital to grow the company.  Motivation: When the company’s shares were falling, Shih showed optimism in the face of failure. He explored the solutions, and hired Liu and stepped down as president. Again, he put the companies goals first. 2. Why did Leonard Liu fail a leader? Does Liu’s failure affect your view of Shih as a leader? Liu failed as a leader, because he lacked some components of Emotional Intelligence that a leader should posses;  Attitudes towards goals: Liu took up the role as a problem solver (manager), his goals arouse out of necessities rather than his desires – he was focusing on opportunities based on Shih’s desire to generate $5 billion in sales by 1996.  Charisma and Presence: Due to his ‘iron-fisted management style’ that challenged Acer’s traditional culture, and going “by the numbers” management model Liu did not hold Charisma and Presence within Acer’s

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