Accreditation Audit Task 1

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1. Compliance Status Following rules and regulations is important for institutions and any type of establishment to maintain organization and most importantly provide safety for those involved. For the organization and safety of everyone involved, it is important to comply with particular criteria. Hospitals are one of the many organizations that must comply with regulations to keep patients and staff safe and as well as maintain the quality of care. Ideally, a good care system for patients includes medical professionals as well as friends and family to compliment each other in providing for patient needs. Because patients require care from medical professions in hospitals, there are provisions that the hospital must follow. “Compliance means conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy, standard or law. Regulatory compliance describes the goal that corporations or public agencies aspire to in their efforts to ensure that personnel are aware of and take steps to comply with relevant laws and regulations (Compliance and Regulatory Compliance, 2013)”. For this reason there are terms of compliance that hospitals must adhere to. The Joint Commission Handbook serves as a means of regulation and compliance for hospitals and other such facilities. There are four categories that the Joint Commission focuses on during the accreditation audits for a hospital: Information Management which involves the efficient management of health information and accuracy, Medication Management involving labeling and sterility, Communication involving verification, and Infection Control to minimize spread and infection. We will be performing an accreditation audit to confirm that compliance standards are met for Nightingale Community Hospital. This accreditation audit will focus on Nightingale Hospital and the maintenance of communication within the hospital. Communication is
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