Access of Care

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Access of Care What is access of care? Access of care are the determinant of eligibility for long term care either in the individual’s home or an institutionalized system. The services provided are exclusively fashioned to meet individual’s current overall health condition. Determining factors may could include past and present medical history, reasoning and social ability, behavioral symptoms, former occupation, and cultural dynamics. Access of care is provided and considered based on individualized plan. Assessment of patient serves two purposes, to determine eligibility and develop a service plan. An individual’s health status is a determinant for access of care. The elderly, chronically ill, some chronically disabled and individuals with functional restrictions will be considered for access of care. How does service availability affect access of care? Service availability affects access of care in several ways. Availability of service will assist in structuring individual’s immediate health needs, determine care facility and choose caregiver. Because care is tailored to meet specific individual need, overall health of patient is managed. For example, a patient may be in a care facility as a result of a chronic illness, other health needs will also be addressed. For example an Alzheimer patient may need the service of a hematologist, the interrelation of services will permit consultation with the specialist. Functional independence is promoted by allowing patient to implement responsibilities that can still be done, with or without adjustment or adaptive devises. How do affordability, physical accessibility (delivery), and acceptability (quality) of services affect access of care? The affordability of long-term care depends on the type of facility, length time spent at the facility, and the provider. (Alecxih & Kennel, 1994).Nursing home care is the
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