Essay On Accepting Others

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Accepting and Confirming Others You do not need a degree in human behavior to understand that accepting others as they are, loving them just as they are, and not wanting to change them into a version of what we think they should be is really all about accepting ourselves just as we are. It can be a huge leap to imagine it is really all about us. Our judgments of others can involve friends, family, work colleagues and even our significant others. We tend to get along better with people who remind us of ourselves. Therefore, if they try to do things differently, have a different worldview or do things a little slower/faster than us, then we often get the upset with them. (Wood, 2010) We may not like the clothes they wear, the way they style their hair, their table manners or even the way they walk. We may…show more content…
Most of the time it is about discerning the difference or knowing when someone truly has your interests at heart or when you have their best interests in mind. You might be one of those who tend to criticize others, have you asked yourself are they merely mirroring things that you don’t like about yourself? If you were kinder and more compassionate with your own perceived faults and incompetency’s, might you be a little kinder and more patient with others? (Wood, 2010) It’s always worth doing some introspection when friendships and relationships get sticky. If you’re lucky, the object of your ire may even be able to help you change unhealthy patterns, with the result that you like yourself a little bit more. Practice focusing on all the things you do like about your friend or family member, and tell them, instead of becoming obsessed by things you think they should change about themselves. It will make for a less tense and stressed friendship. You might even start to feel better about yourself and them when you can accept and affirm yourself as well as them. (Baska,
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