Academic Honesty Essay

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Academic Honesty I search this article in the University library. The Keyword Search that I used was Academic Honesty. The title of the article is ACADEMIC HONESTY AND ONLINE COURSES. It was written by Therese C. Grijalva, , Clifford Nowell, and Joe Kerkvliet in March of 2006. I used the EBSCOHost database to find this article. This article was about the academic dishonesty that concerns both teachers and students. It states that most people think that cheating will happen more likely in online classes as opposed to traditional classes. It also states that there are different types of cheating for different people. According to this article there are two types of cheating. They are planned cheating and panic cheating. Both types of cheating involve benefits and costs. Planned cheating involves making cheat sheet for a test. It also involves plagiarizing a paper. Planned cheating is done ahead of time and the person knows that it is wrong to do so. Panic cheating is when a person is in at state of panic. This person may look at another person’s paper or cheat on a test because he or she has gone completely blank. Some people may not look at panic cheating as cheating because it is not preplanned. In this article it also states that planned cheating may be a greater risk than panic cheating. This may be because you are able to look up other information and use it for you own knowledge. The article made us aware of two types of cheating, panic cheating and planned cheating. Both types of cheating can be avoided. One way to avoid is to plan ahead for assignments. Do not wait until the assignments due date. Another way is to study ahead of schedule if possible. If you have attest at the end of the weak study a little every day up until test day, that way you are familiar with the material. Also keep a calendar available for all classes. Look at the calendar daily,

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