Abortion Is Wrong Research Paper

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Abortion is wrong Joshua La Beau – Union, Mo Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without you? Every living thing was put on this earth for a reason, and only God knows what that reason might be. This is why I believe that abortion is wrong. The world would be a very different place if abortion had not been legalized. Abortion is wrong because it ends a human life, causes emotional and sometimes physical harm to the mother, and is contributing to the economic crisis. Many people think that an unborn baby is just a useless clump of cells or just tissue, which can be thrown away with the trash. This is not true. A human being is alive from the moment of their conception. Babies are little humans as well. Although they are too small to even speak for themselves, they should be loved and have the same rights as humans that have been born for a while. An unborn baby’s heartbeat can be heard 8 weeks after conception, and have fingerprints 14 weeks after conception. The very idea that a unborn human is not a human is irrational. Abortion should be illegal, just as murder is. Why is it that the world thinks it is okay to kill a child while they are most vulnerable in their entire development? This is a question that I have never had answered to…show more content…
It takes twelve working members of society to support one retiree. When the number of retired people is greater to the number of working people, the government cannot get enough tax money to support everyone. This leads to taxes being raised and government aid being reduced. As the taxes are raised on businesses, they have to raise the prices, which is hard on families. It’s a devastating chain reaction that puts a burden on society, including murder. If abortion was not legal, there would be more working citizens who could pay their taxes and contribute to work force. The government would have enough money to support everyone in the
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