We all want to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies, but there is no reason to single out abortion among all a woman’s reproductive choices as the one choice which is somehow less valid or acceptable than childbirth, adoption, or other reproductive choices. Abortion is a valid personal decision within the field of health care. Every woman has their own personal reason to have an abortion. There are many reasons women decide abortion is the best choice for them such as, birth control failures, inability to care and support
Should women have legal access to abortion? Even forty years after the United States Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of legal abortion on January 22, 1973 in the case of Roe v. Wade, the American public still remains split into two opposing teams. The pro-choice team, of which I personally consider myself a member, supports a woman’s right to choose on whether or not to abort her pregnancy. The pro-life team supports the notion that some, if not all, forms of abortion, under particular circumstances, should be outlawed. Many of the arguments made by the pro-life team take a moral, ethical, or religious standpoint in their persuasion of others.
Abortion is seen as no different to murder. In the case or Rape or incest, pro-life campaigners argue that the child is the one being punished when it has not committed the crime and that the child is completely innocent and it’s the criminal that instead should be punished. Pro –life campaigners also argue that adoption is an alternative to abortion, and that many people will use abortion as a method of contraception. They argue that there are thousands of people waiting to adopt children, so if a mother decides she doesn’t want her child for any reason she can offer this child through adoption to a suitable
Warren beings her argument by acknowledging that abortion “…usually entails the death of a fetus. ( Social and Personal Ethics: The Moral Status Of Abortion, Marry Anne Warren, Page 109)” Shockingly enough, at least to many individuals, Warren still holds firm that safe abortion is both morally permissible and under no circumstance should be illegal. Warren recognizes that it is almost futile to argue with those who believe that abortion is equivalent to murder unless it is argued that fetuses to not have the same right to life as other human beings. She does this by
The situation is the same as it was in England before the introduction of the Abortion Act 1967. The Offences against the Person Act 1861 and the Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1945 remain in full force. Extra info on the HFAEAO1 is that of the amendments of embryo’s and gametes is considered wrong and unethical, because if an embryo carried a gene for a certain illness it can still grow to be a human, yet it is destroyed due to its potential deformity which is unfair. What these mean for the law of abortion today? Abortion is illegal to happen after 24 weeks as the death of a baby at this late a stage is unethical as this embryo is so close to being a human.
That is a relatively straight-forward viewpoint, compared to pro-choice, which I hold to encompass people who hold that abortion should be legal for at least some alloted time of a pregnancy. So the term "pro-choicer" is an ambiguous one when referenced to generally. Personally, I believe that abortion should be legal for the first and second trimesters, but not the third, so I will defend that viewpoint from here on out. Which means when coming to the case of your daughter, I would not like to have permit abortion, as at that point your daughter would be extensively neurologically developed. Most neurologists hold one of the most defining points of the beginning of life to be between 24 and 27 weeks in a pregnancy, when the child starts emitting a recognizable EEG pattern.
But I do not think it is right for the government to make abortion illegal either. Individual liberty is one of the founding principles of the United States and the decision to have an abortion is a very personal one. While I think it is a serious choice to have an abortion, I think there are some situations where it can be justified. A woman should not be forced to have a child that is the result of rape or incest. Even if these cases are only about one percent of abortions, it still affects thousands of women each year.
Abstract The objective of this essay is to prove that abortion is only ethical, and should only be legal when it is strictly conducted before the first ten weeks from the moment of conception. The key points supporting the purpose of this paper are: after defining when the potential of life starts (1) which is after the start of a heartbeat and (2) brain activity, (3) and focuses on what is best for society along with the value of life. The Ethical Sides of Abortion The law regarding abortion as it stands now, allows a woman to abort a fetus within the first twenty weeks after conception. There are serious debates regarding the ethics of this law, ranging from the immorality of ending human life, to the importance of human rights and federal control. It is a topic that can be vastly argued, but when considering what is best for society as a whole, it is possible to narrow down the possible outcomes.
Even in the case of rape, the RC Church does not support abortion - the foetus would be paying for someone else’s crime. “Human life is sacred”. Humanae Vitae, 1968: “The unborn human being’s right to live is one of the inalienable human rights” Pope John Paul II, 1985 "Abortion is a serious sin. Everyone, whether Catholic or not, should have a proper respect for human life. "Declaration on Procured Abortion, 1974: "From the time that the ovum is fertilised a new life is begun which is neither that of the father or the mother.
Abortion punishes the unborn child who committed no crime; instead, it is the guilty that should be punished. Arguments for Pro-Choice 1. Nearly all abortions take place in the first trimester, when a foetus cannot exist independent of the mother. As it is attached by the placenta and umbilical cord, its health is dependent on her health, and cannot be regarded as a separate entity as it cannot exist outside her womb. 2.