Blake Scott Gordon Mr. Kegler US History B2 27-11-12 What Led The South To Secede From The Union? It’s undeniable that the three main reasons leading to the secession of the South from the Union were geography, poor judgment and economy. Before the Civil War started, slavery took on a big role in Southern states. The South used slaves to work on almost everything from cleaning, watching children to taking care of the crops. Slavery soon became an enormous issue seeing as the slave owners came to treat slaves whichever way they pleased, getting away with it.
Although many people believe that the civil war was only about slavery that is not totally true. The civil war was about many factors and issues that divided the North from the South. The civil war was fought between slave states and free states. For this reason it makes it seem as though it was a slavery war. The civil war created many economic downfalls for both the Union and Confederacy.
Many Northern abolitionists became aggressive. Frederick Douglas, escaped-slave, was furious on the institution and wrote to them. The most memorable act in this period was the Underground Railroad. This railroad was designed to help slaves escape the brutal slavery and to go to the north for freedom(civilwar). Later on in 1862, President Abraham Lincoln bestowed the Emancipation Proclamation(wikipedia).
Level masters Subject American history American abolitionist's arguments against slavery The abolitionist movements gained popularity in the United States during 1830s. Revolts and uprisings caused by those Africans who were enslaved and their respective descendants were sprouting now and then in the U.S majorly fighting against the institution of slavery. The first abolitionists started around eighteenth century and consisted of a small percentage of white Christians. Around 1831 new set of abolitionists emerged and started to demand publicly the abolishment of slavery ( These new era abolitionists termed slavery as an abominable sin which had to be stopped immediately accompanied by repentance.
Even northerners who were prejudiced against blacks were often against slavery, because they felt slavery caused unfair competition for free laborers; this argument figured prominently in “Free Soil” ideology. Free Soilers sought to prohibit slavery in the new territories, because it interfered with free labor. Northerners believed that they could work their way up in society by hard work and many did. The most violent confrontations between people who believed in free soil ideology and people who were pro slavery took place in the Kansas territory prior to the start of the Civil War. Kansas became known as Bleeding Kansas as a result of the
During this time, the north underwent major social, economic, and industrial changes known as the Antebellum Period. The south generally clung to cotton and slavery and thus remained essentially the same. However, increasing tensions surrounding slavery ultimately led to the breakdown of the compromise in the middle 19th century. Compromise could not be achieved in this time period due to political complaints and conflicts concerning slavery. In addition the moral and social stance on the issue divided the North and the South and made compromise difficult.
It’s the federal law that made white Northerners to return escaped black slaves back to their owners in the South. This act made many white northerners, abolitionists and antislavery supporters mad. People wanted to stay out of the slavery battle and this act forced them to choose a side. This act affected many people including Harriet Beecher Stowe. Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist and author.
The colonists rebelled against England because like in the Civil war they had different plans, agendas and ideas then England. But the colonists endured oppression and not freedom, they fought for freedom unlike the Civil war where the South fought to keep slaves to increase their profits. The south rebelled against the Union because they didn’t have the same mind set as the north. They had completely different views in religion, in politics but most importantly in black people’s rights. Their struggles and conflicts started a long time before abolitionist movements started dues to their differences.
In the South, members of the defeated confederacy worked to maintain the conditions of slavery. They worked to keep slaves from growing economically and getting the right to vote. The Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacy organizations were established by ex-confederate soldiers and solicited others that wanted to restore the white
Slavery was introduced in America in the 16th century. By the 19th century it had become such a controversial issue that America went to Civili War because of it. The defeat of the South (supporters of slavery) led to the abolition of slavery, in 1865 and citizen ship as well as voting rights for black people in 1870. However, when the Northern soldiers left the South in 1877, many state governments found ways to take away the rights of black people in the South. The abolition of slavery bought about major advantages towards the slaves.