Abnormality Revision Essay

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Defining abnormality 1) Deviating from social norms Refers to deviant behaviour. I.e. behaviour that is somewhat anti-social or undesirable. Limitations Susceptible to abuse it varies as time changes. What is socially acceptable now may not have been 50 years ago. E.g. homosexuals in the past were seen as mentally ill. Deviance is related to context and degree making judgements on deviance is often related to the context of a behaviour. E.g. if you wore a bikini on the beach, it is normal but in a classroom, it wouldn’t be. Cultural relativism social norms are influenced by cultural factors. 2) Failure to function adequately Abnormality judged in terms of not being able to cope. Limitations Who judges? either the person notices a failure to function, or the people around them notice. Adaptive or maladaptive? some dysfunctional behaviours can be adaptive and functional to the individual. Cultural relativism social norms are influenced by cultural factors. 3) Deviation from ideal mental health Marie Jahoda (1958) pointed out that we define mental health by looking at the absence of signs of physical health. PRAISE * PERSONAL GROWTH/SELF ACTUALISATION * REALITY PERCEPTION * AUTONOMY (independent) * INTEGRATION (being able to cope) * SELF-ATTITUDES (high self-esteem) * ENVIRONMENTAL MASTERY (adapting to new situations) Limitations Who can achieve all these criteria? according to these criteria, most people are abnormal. Is mental health the same as physical health? unlikely that we can diagnose mental abnormality in the same way we can diagnose physical abnormality. Cultural relativism social norms are influenced by cultural factors. Defining abnormality 4) Deviating from social norms Refers to deviant behaviour. I.e. behaviour that is somewhat anti-social or undesirable. Limitations
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