AP Physics Torque Essay

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AP Physics – Torque Lance furrowed his handsome, intelligent brow, and carelessly wiped the glistening pearl-shaped beads of perspiration from his noble forehead as he examined the blinking data display of his Plasmo Mark 22 Magnetotronic Force Field sensor. His intelligent, hard yet sensitive eyes peered into the darkness of the impact crater that lay just in front of his all six-wheel drive fusion powered terrain hoover-scout vehicle. Somewhere hidden in the Stygian blackness of that vast space was his arch enemy, Zugandor the Fierce, and his cruel minions. Lieutenant Lance paused as he considered the dilemma he and his space companion, Ardella Lamont, now faced. The dreaded battle battalion of Bokonia had somehow caught up with Lance…show more content…
What is the applied force? [pic] • You push on the door as shown in the drawing. What is the torque? [pic] [pic] [pic] Multiple Torques: What happens if two or more torques act on an object at the same time? Two forces are applied to the object in the drawing to the right. The object is free to rotate about the spin axis. Both cause a torque. F1 causes a CCW (counter clockwise) rotation around the axis. F2 causes a CW (clockwise) rotation around the axis. If a torque causes a clockwise rotation, it is positive. If a torque causes a counter clockwise rotation, it is negative. The sum of the two torques would be: [pic] Equilibrium and Torque:If an object is in angular equilibrium (sometimes called rotational equilibrium), then it is either at rest or else it is rotating with a constant angular: If object is in rotational equilibrium, the net torque about any axis is zero. This means that the sum of the torques acting on the object must be zero. ( ( = 0 Static equilibrium exists when an object has no motion, either linear or angular. There are two conditions which must exist in order to have your good old static

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