A Young Journalist and an Old Banker

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A young journalist and an old banker If you think that between a young man and an old man there aren’t some similarities, maybe you are wrong. Also, if I say that there aren’t some similarities between a young journalist and an older banker, you could think that it’s true. But, there are two people who has differences and also, they have some similarities. They were part of a striking bet that showed their similarities and differences. One similarity and the most important in the story is that they didn’t completely agree with the death penalty or with the imprisonment for life. The old banker said “Capital punishment kills a man at once, but lifelong imprisonment kills him slowly” , while the journalist said “The death sentence and the life sentence are equally immoral” . Other similarity that they have is that they were in a party, where they exposed their ideas. Furthermore, exist one more important similarity that they have. They had a caprice. The journalist had the caprice of win the money and the banker had the caprice of get his satisfaction. The differences are many, but not less important than the similarities. One difference is their age, the journalist was 25 years old. The baker was older than the journalist, because the story say “The old banker …” . Also, their chooses were different, the banker said that he would choose the death penalty, while the journalist said that he would choose the imprisonment for life. In addition, although they had the same beliefs about the death penalty and the imprisonment for life, they made different chooses. The old banker said that he prefer death penalty, and the journalist said that he prefer imprisonment for life. Furthermore, although they had a caprice, their caprices were different. Finally, that bet helped them to reflect. The journalist reflected with the time in jail, and the banker reflected when he

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