A Word That Has Changed the World

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(Presentation 2) 20130417 A word that has changed the world 201260727 Zhang Jiaming Class of English Presentation Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon!Thank you for coming and it is my great honor to meet all of you again at the second presentation time.I am Freddy,a Chinese exchange student,who wants to ask everybody a serious question now at the very first of my presentation,What word or words do you think has changed the world we live in?(One,two,three)Okay,thank you for your consideration.You may tell me it's Steve Jobs who changed the world due to his outstanding ideas and popular products.You may think the kind behavior of compliment changed the world generally because it shortens the distance between people.You may raise the answer that Korean drinking culture or Shopping in Seoul has changed the world because of their aims of looking for fun and feeling the splendid world.While,for me,China is the word that has changed the world.After introducing myself in the previous presentation,the purpose for conducting this one is to show my country,so that express my reasons why I think CHINA is the word.I've divided my presentation into three main points.Firstly,I'd like to talk about China's centuries-old history and culture.Then,I will introduce some amazing arts and wonderful things,which made countries getting closer. Finally,I wish to speak about my motherland's positive international image.My presentation will last about seven minutes.If you have any questions,please feel free to ask me after my presentation. So,first of all,let's take a brief look at the China's splendid history and culture.As everybody knows,with a long history of more than 5000 years,China,which is located in the east of the world,is becoming more and more prosperous and powerful.Faced with the great challenges that the international combination has
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