A True Leader

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In today's so called modernized world, we name those who are head of something leaders, but have you ever thought what does a genuine leader do or what are the requirements to be a veritable leader? There are some cliché answers for this question but different from those, a real leader is a person who thinks his staff before him, values the firm as a whole rather than individual by individual, and most importantly, a real leader is devoted to what he's doing. Considering the new definition for "leader", you can clearly see there are not so many leaders around you, since they are born not made. I know that a lot of people would be against my opinion, maybe even you are thinking different from me, too but it actually has a really simple explanation. In addition to the new definition of "leader", a person must be willing to take risks, have the passion to make a difference with others, be able to dissatisfy with current realities, be able to take responsibilities while others are making excuses, have the creativity to transform dreams into realities, evoke in others the capacity to dream, speak to others with his heart and above all he must be courageous. I am asking, do you truly believe all people in a community have the capabilities to learn all those leadership virtues? I personally have no faith in such probability. Although it is true that experiences are the best teachers to render a person learn the skills I mentioned, some skills are only about personality which a person cannot intend to change. Don’t get me wrong, I still believe that leaders are born not made but I also believe with the same vigor that great leaders are made not born. For you to understand my line of reasoning you need to understand the difference between being just a leader and being a great leader. To become a great leader one has to become a leader first, but it’s not every leader that
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