A True Education

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A true education gives me the idea of it being on a individual basis with the only concern is developing ones’ mind and in modern education, the development of ones’ mind is not the top priority. This is where our current education system is failing and is only getting worse. Their route to learning is through our standardized tests with their multiple choice and machine grading can only test the most basic level of learning, memorization. Unfortunately, this ultimately fails the student because this basic level of learning is extremely limiting. In connection with what the great Einstein once said, “If you judge a fish by its ‘ability’ to climb a tree, it will spend its entire life believing its stupid.” If the goal for our education is to be held to the highest standards and for our youth to come out well educated and make a difference in this world, changes need to be made, because the path we are walking down is nothing but snakes in the grass. I’m in agree with Einstein when he says that education is “the training of the mind to think,” but I think our perception is that we have it correct on how young our youth starts their education. Why not start earlier? Like Source C explains, students are changing and they aren’t the same students that attened high school one hundred years ago. So my question is, why not change our education system to correspond with the changes of our students? We can’t carry on with the same education system. Source C mentions of the idea to start school at the age of four or five which would cause the average student to graduate at sixteen. I’m sixteen right now and after researching about true educaton, I don’t feel educated at all. If I were to be fully educated and graduated by this point of my life, I feel as if I could be that much more successful. A true education is hard and everchanging, but it hasn’t been found and it may
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