A Tale Of Two Coaches: Leadership Styles And Development

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Case Study Analysis Paper1: A Tale of Two Coaches Thurmisha K. Brown Grand Canyon University: LDR 600 Leadership Styles and Development May 1, 2013 A Tale of Two Coaches The case study analysis revolves around two of the most influential and respected coaches in the world of college basketball. Leadership was the key to their success; however the leadership styles between the former student and mentor are different from each other. Coaches are leaders who have power to influence players to set and achieve common goals that are beneficial to the team. This case study will examine the leadership traits of these phenomenal coaches. Coach K and Coach Knight share the same leadership traits self-confidence, determination, integrity,…show more content…
He was a hard task master, disciplined, routine and ritual oriented regardless of the external or internal influences. He had a large personality on and off the floor that did not correlate well when he communicated with his players and others. On the other hand, Coach K behaviors are more in tune to an effective leader who did not take unnecessary risk like his mentor and he did not let his environment control him, he controlled his environment by not allowing his players to intimidate and show animosity toward each other. Researchers posit management is about order and stability, but leadership is about being able to adapt and change (Northouse, 2010, p. 13). The personality traits of Coach K are agreeable, open, conscientious, and an extravert. He has the keen sense to foresee problems among his players and nurturing and grooming his players which helped create a positive and safe environment. However, Coach Knight Personality trait are extraversion, neurotic, coercive. His behaviors were unpredictable he was physical he would throw chairs, use profane language on referees and players, and physically intimidate his players which eventually lead him to being…show more content…
Both coaches led their perspective teams to National and Division Championships but they leadership and management styles were different. Coach K was more supportive, caring, and nurturing toward his players; whereas Coach Knight was more volatile and explosive in his temperament he lacked the social skills to foster a positive environment for his players unlike Coach K. In the end both coaches will gone down in history, however no one can deny their record as coaches but their leadership styles will be debated for years to come as the list of best collegiate basketball coaches is compiled by basketball greats and sports

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