A Systematic Categorisation of Literary Theories from Aristotole to Matthew Arnold Using M.H Abram's Orientation.

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The validity of a literary theory remains in its precision and its coherence regarding a work of art .This statement paraphrased from the opening pages of Abraham's critical theory comes to justify not only a number of valid literary theories in all their ways of self consistency, but also the diversity which exists between them and their different perceptions and focus regarding a work of art.In fact , the diversity of literary theories opens the door to different interpretations when dealing with a single work of art, as one specific theory may look to aspects that another theory, with a different perception, may have denied,overlooked or obscured. At the same time,this shared diversity makes the classification of those literary theories a difficult one.Inded,some theories may differ from others andcan not be compared at all because of the lack of a common ground on which to meet and clash.Whithin this context,another method of clasification is required.This one would be acheived by considering other elements than the historical and the pure chronological developement of the literary theories in question. In his essay, Abrahams suggests a "frame reference" that permits a universal classification of literary theories in which none of them will be "descriminated".For this purpose,he uses the different elements that can not be but present and taken into consideration (partially at least) in the perception of the largest possible number of theories.Those basic elements are : work of art, universe , audience , artist (those elements represent the possible areas of interactions that a work of art may possibly have) . The focus of different literary theories,their regard or deny to those elements allows us to classify them under one of the four main categories that Abraham presents us.Those categories are : mimetic theories,pragmatic theories,expressive

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