A Study Two Theories of Business Power: the Dominance Theory and the Pluralist Theory

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2.1 The Dominance Theory (SDT) The dominance theory is a theory emphasis on the stability and relationship under a group-based social hierarchies, also named social dominance theory (SDT). The theory was used to produce the higher economic surplus through organizing a group in the early. This hierarchies structure has 3 layers, they are arbitrary-set, gender and age. Arbitrary-set is brutal and not commonly in the developed societies. It based on nationality, religion and ethnicity to build up a group. Second, the gender is clearly describes as the man has higher status and power than women. Third, age is describes as the adult has higher status and power than the younger, either in family or working place. Earlier researchers claim that dominance has been described as the desire for one’s in group to dominate out-groups; or describe as the desire of an individual want to dominate other individuals within a group. Rubin and Bukowski (2011) claim this theory focus on the evolutionary adaptiveness of certain behaviours that allow an individual to attain or control resources, and views aggression primarily as a means of achieving and maintaining dominance. individual-based social hierarchy and group-based hierarchies The difference between individual-based social hierarchies and group-based social hierarchies are the distinct in different factors. Simply, under an individual-based social hierarchy, a person who has higher characteristics and traits to gain wealth, prestige and power, likely high political sense, scientific achievement or talent, high intelligence or an ability of leadership. Compared with the group-based social hierarchy, all privilege, prestige or social power can be enjoy within a group, while the socially constructed group gain higher position and power. Here, it is not implies that the ability and personal characteristics of an
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