A Student That Missed School

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Dear Student who missed school, As we both know recently missed some days of school. For that reason, I’m writing you this letter to tell you what we did in class and what we have for homework. Unfortunately I don’t have Ms. Anthony for math. Therefore, this letter is only for student who have Mr. Proveaux for math. In Mrs. Cheffen’s language arts class, we learned about gerund and gerund phrases. I’ll explain those later in this paragraph. The SAT words for this week are: entourage, resilience, truculence, spurned, equanimity, amassed, mitigator, penurious, tremulous, and cumulative. Don’t forget to do your frayer models, which include definitions, sentences, keywords, and illustrations. You should be happy because we don’t have current events this week. A gerund is a verb ending in –ing that is used as a noun. A gerund phrase is a group of words that complete the meaning of the gerund. In Mrs. Poe’s science class, we are still learning about the different types of energy. We didn’t have home work this week unless you didn’t complete the material and procedures section of your science fair project. We got to watch a Brain POP on the different types of energy. Just in case you forgot, the different types of energy are mechanical, electrical, thermal, radiant, magnetic, gravitational, and chemical energy. That’s about it in science let’s move on to social studies. In Mrs. Hardy’s social studies class, as we both know we move in fast really paces. With that said, we are ending the American revolutionary war and we are moving on to civics. Civics is the study of the rights and duties of citizenship. For home work this week we have to finish the presidential debates work and glue it in your current events notebook, this is due Wednesday. Also for homework, we have to finish pages 110-117 in our interactive notebooks. Don’t forget to watch the presidential

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