A Single Shard

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A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park is about a 12 year old boy named Tree-ear. He lives with Crane-man under a bridge in Ch'ulp'o with little scrapes of food. When Tree-ear sees a master potter, Min making beautiful pottery. He sneaks in Min's place one day and he accidently breaks a pot. He must repay by working for Min for 9 days. Tree-ears work is very long and hard. But one day he promises Min he will take his two vases to Songdo to the King's Court. But Tree-ear doesn't know that his journey to Songdo is very dangerous. In the beginning Tree-ear sneaks in Master Min's house and looks around. When he is looking around Min thinks Tree-ear is stealing his pottery so he yells and hits Tree-ear and he drops a pot. Tree-ear can't pay Min back with money so he works for Min for 9 days. Tree-ear thinks Min will show him how to a vase one day. But his chance never happened. Tree-ear is always tired at the end of the day when he gets home from work. When Tree-ear is done working for the broken vase, he ask Min if he could keep working for him. Now Tree-ear's jobs is more difficult and he still doesn't get to make a vase. When the emperor's assistant is about go to town to assign a commision for the King. All the potters are rushing to get their pottery done. Min eats less, he is always working on his vases and he sleeps less. Min is very stressed out and fustrated whenever something doesn't look right. Tree-ear spies on one of the other potters and he discovers he created a new technique. Tree-ear doesn't know od he should tell Min because he really wants Min to get the emperor's commission. One day Min was really disappointed at his vases so he shatters them on the ground. Later that day Emissary Kim comes to tell Min that he had chosen Kang for limited commision and he told Min that he was chosen royal commision. But the problem was he had to find someway to get the

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