A Response To The Lessons From Waverly Place

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A Response to the Lessons from Waverly Place prompt. "Respect seems like such a simple concept. One that we were all taught growing up. Something that our family and community instilled into us. A way that we live our lives. But respect is not defined the same way by everyone." - Melanie Sklarz. I think that Melanie has a great point here. Especially the last line when she says ' But respect is not defined the same way by everyone.' I agree 100% with her on this. I think this is true because Mrs. Jong doesn’t have respect for people who don’t "work-hard." Yet other people might disagree with that statement. I believe Respect is EARNED not GIVEN. For so many years now, I have been told to give respect to people. Well here's my honest opinion: I will not respect one, if they don’t deserve it, they have to earn it. Let me give you an example; Monday is Veterans Day. The people who served our country earn respect within a snap of my fingers. Why? Because they go out to fight for our country, when they know there a chance of their lives ending. Another Example a little different than Veterans, are teachers. Everyone should always respect a teacher. They help you learn, and without them you wouldn’t be able to do, what you are doing today.…show more content…
Jong believes in respect also. I believe that Mrs. Jong only has respect for people who are hard working. I think this because she says: " Chinese people do many things, Chinese people do business, do medicine, do painting. Not lazy like American people. We do torture. Best Torture." (Page 26). This was really clear to me that people who work hard, she has respect for. Also, when she said "Not like LAZY American people." That's why I believe Mrs. Jong has respect for people who work hard, and aren't

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