In the novels, the Diallos are much more capable parents than Baba. Firstly, both Mr. and Mrs. Diallo are caring and want the best for their daughter, Aminata. Aminata recalls her father’s caring manner, “Put those silly children out of your mind, Papa said. Stay close to your Mama and me, don’t go out wandering alone, and you will be fine.” (Hill, 17-18) In fear of stories about missing children, Aminata approaches her parents. This presents a close relationship between the two because Aminata is comfortable speaking to her parents about her concerns.
1. “Teach children positive social skills and provide them with skill training to cope with their negative emotional states and deal with the problems and stressers that they face daily.”This basically means, teach children how to be friends with each other, how to share their belongings, how to respect others' belongings, and how to communicate. If they start displaying inappropriate anger coping skills, teach them in the moment how to deal with it properly. Counting to 10 may seem cliché, but it actually can work. Stepping away from the situation until the child has calmed down; there are many things that can be taught early that will be more effective then teaching them at a required by the courts class at the age of 39.
After Creon’s family’s deaths, Creon’s pride crumbles as he realizes he was wrong in his actions. In addition, “And proud men in old age learn to be wise (Choragus, Exodus).” I believe this quote shows wisdom does not come with age, but with knowledge. Creon filled with pride, refused to listen to other’s opinions and did not become wise. Once his family died admitted his mistakes and then became capable of becoming wise. In conclusion Creon became conscious of his pride too late and then had to pay the price.
James does not know truly who he is, mainly because he is “dark skinned” while his mother is “light skinned”. But as he grows older, James is influenced by his mother, and her faith in God. Not only does this help James become closer to his mother, but it helps him start to notice who he really is. James’ step-father, Hunter Jordan, also influences him by showing James that hard work is worth it, and it takes a lot of work to support a family as big as they had. This assisted James notice that he has the ability to become anything that he wants to, and he just has to work hard and not lose his determination.
She always gives Walter loyalty and shows she cares by doing the littlest things for him. Walter continuously shuts Ruth down with rudeness. The quote “You want some warm milk?”, said by Ruth is significant because it is showing her still caring about Walter even when they had just got done with an unnecessary argument. Ruth also keeps Mama’s head up towards the end when Mama loses her faith in everything. Walter just wants the best for his family.
|Pro |Baptists do missionary work, part of that might include studying of women’s rights in all places. |Pro |One thing Baptists believe is that our nation was found under god. |Con |Baptist would not support this issue because they believe unions are between one man and one woman, not same sexes. |Pro |Baptists strive to not be racist, so they would be accepting of this issue. | |Catholic |Pro |Catholics have schools which include prayer; this means they would support prayer in other schools.
“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” -Steve Maraboli. Forgiveness is difficult to do, but it brings a kind of peace that helps you go on with life. In Courageous, Nathan goes to his father’s grave and forgives him for walking out of his life. Every child needs a fatherly figure in his or her life, because he will set the tone for their future. It's important for a father to be a good role model because children almost always look up to their dad, and make decisions based on how he would have handled it.
Making it on your own At times people tend to work well while they are under pressure. To others they simply must be under pressure to get work done and give their full effort. In her article In Praise of the F Word, Mary Sherry argues “Flunking as a regular policy has just as much merit today as it did two generations ago. We must review the threat of flunking and see it as it really is- a positive teaching too.” By making it clear to students that flunking can definitely be a result of them not putting in the time and effort in assuring they pass their class will make them more determined to learn and earn their good grades, it will also help stop those students who choose not to even try in their classes. Also by making students fear failure it will not only motivate them
Boys need the same teaching, but from a man preferable their father. A mother has common sense knowledge that she can instill into her son, but everyday things like how to play sports, handle girls, bullying etc. needs to and should be taught by their father. A boy can hear what a mother is saying to them
The ladies of Maycomb are very significant as it shows the ladies’ attitude and beliefs in their own sense of being good Christians and at the same time revealing their hypocrisy and bigotry. ‘I tell you Gertrude, you never ought to go let and opportunity go by to witness for the Lord’. Mrs Merriweather, like the other ladies, believe it is Christian duty to remind the ‘darkies’ of behaving in a Christian way as when she tells Sophy ‘you simply are not being a Christian today’ They view Maycomb as a Christian town with Christian folks but this does not include the black people. The ladies believe that Tom’s wife needs the help of the church to lead a Christian life. That she needs their forgiveness before she can move on in life.