A Modern Explination of Society

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A Modern Explanation of Society Modern society is complex, especially when speaking of modern western civilization. Classical theorists have been able to grasp an explanation of society during their times; however there has been a need for criticism and revisions for some of the most prominent theories in sociology in order to explain the structure of society today, including the elements of communication. It is important to not only recognize micro-level analyses to grasp an understanding of society at an individual or small group scale, but it is important to understand macro-level society, or society as a whole. It is important to understand how macro-level analysis can explain how individuals behave and what they believe on the micro-level. There are four sociological perspectives that give an adequate explanation of society in contemporary society. Such theories are conflict theory, structural functionalism, critical theory and the dramaturgical perspective. Conflict Theory Conflict theory basically addresses conflict over consensus in understanding society (Mann 2011: 41). The basic assumptions of conflict theory are that “competition and conflict are natural” (41), meaning that human beings seek to satisfy their own self-interests as rational individuals Secondly, the hierarchy of power is simply inevitable (41). There will always be organizations and individuals at both the top and bottom of the hierarchical structure, as well as in between. Third, dissimilar to functionalism, ideas, norms and values are used as “weapons” to create conflict within society (41). Not all values and ideals are considerations for economic structures (42). Lastly, conflict theory states that “revolutionary change is possible” (42). Drastic and unforeseen changes can happen in society and they are the products of the conflicts within society (42). Ralf Dahrendorf was a
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