A Life of Sunshine and Rainbows

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A Life of Sunshine and Rainbows Is there really light at the end of the dark tunnel? Really a possibility of a life filled with sunshine and rainbows? Many difficult and unpleasant situations come and go in people’s life. There are times when it is easy to smile and say life is good, then there are days that are not quite so easy to do that. As people we tend to sometimes live in the past, the ‘would haves’ ‘could haves’ and ‘should haves’. We like to dwell in everything that was not for us and that could have gone a certain way and did not. But then a select few pick up their drink and say cheers to that. Life happens; we have to get over the past and live in the present, preparing for the future with what we have. Klingenhagen and Cheevy are two examples of those people. Klingenhagen is positive and Cheevy is negative about their life. Klingenhagen, from the poem “Cliff Klingenhagen” is the cheery, bright eyed bushy tailed person. Optimism could be his middle name. He sees the positives in life and drinks to it. Cheevy, on the other hand, from the poem “Miniver Cheevy” is not optimistic in anyway. He is one hundred percent a pessimist. He dwells on what could have been and what is not in his life. He does not look at what he has, but continuously at what he wished he had in his life. What he wanted his life to be like, and here is how that is so. Cliff Klingenhagen enjoys his life. He buys his friend dinner. He buys soup and meat, along with everything else there was to eat. Klingenhagen buys two drinks; wine and wormwood. Then without hesitation, he quaffs the wormwood. He chugs it. Abruptly he consumes the wormwood. He leaves the wine for the friend. That might not seem like much at first glance, but wormwood is not a typical quaffing drink. Wormwood is a bitter drink and typically is mixed with something else to make the taste more pleasing to drink. But
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