A Good Man To Is Hard To Find Analysis

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In “A Good Man to is hard to find” by Flannery O’Connor the theme throughout the story is that religious people aren’t necessarily righteous. Grandma was living a life in which she thought was righteous but she did not necessarily followed the rules of good morals leading for her true actions to cause everyone’s death bed by Misfit. Grandma was an old fashioned lady where things of today were not allowed back in her days everything had to be perfect in a woman, they had to dress properly with ling dresses the children had to be respectful and obedient, but things change as the world around changes. Back then you did not have to worry about locking things up to keep from theft or to keep safe from a serial killer. As they go through this trip to Florida the danger of a serial killer lose does not worry the grandmas son Bailey because what are the odds of finding this killer in a big area like Florida. Grandma true hypocritical actions came out as they had a few stops like on Sammy’s barbecue shop, Sam’s wife was…show more content…
as grandma starts to hear loud noises in the woods her bad ways of living make good things into bad things by telling the Misfit “Jesus, Jesus, meaning Jesus will help you but the way she was saying it, it sounded as if she was cursing” (pg340). What does she know about Jesus when she told others they should be living a life like her in which she contradicted because she talked bad about them when in her religious belief it should not matter how poor or how they looked as long and they lived

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