A Good Administrator Is a Good Politician During Times of Disaster

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A good administrator is a good politician during times of disaster Abstract It is a common thing for political officials to take advantage of opportunities that will shade light on them in a positive way, especially from them public. Among the best of such opportunities comes at the time of disasters. Officials who are administratively effective stand to gain more politically from such events as their actions are more likely to win public appeal. A good administrator is good politician during times of disaster; the focus of this paper is to examine how true the statement is with examples to support every viewpoint. This paper costs of an introduction, in which the issue of politics and disasters is tackled. It is the followed by a review of wider literature relating to the topic of discussion. It is true that a good administrator is a good politician during times of disasters, as such an administrator is likely to take actions that give him/her a good political standing. This is a scenario which will always exist as long as politics exist. Introduction It was once stated that every disaster is an opportunity. This statement by Jack Brooks is a big truth. The statement, especially to politicians, holds true. Politicians are always struggling to gain the most support of the public, and to succeed in doing this, they need to be opportunistic in taking advantage of good opportunities to be heard and seen by the public (Casiple, 2012). Disastrous events are a cause of fear and worry in the public and a lot of attention is paid by the public in their regards. Politicians in turn, are also attentive to such disasters, because they can harm or benefit a politician depending on how they are handled. Steven Merksamer credited this viewpoint by stating that his always biggest fear was to not be prepared for major disasters-because how they are handled
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