A Global Issue: Euthanasia

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To this day, one of the biggest controversial topics that continue to spark endless discussions is the public approval of euthanasia. Euthanasia which is commonly known as “assisted suicide” is the deliberate action of ending a life to relieve continuous pain and suffering (Nordqvist, 2010). This has become a complicated global issue, as various cultures battle with the list of ethical, religious, and legal factors that play a major part in the act. Many see euthanasia as a benefit not only for the patient, but for the patient’s family as well. In this case, the practice is able to end one’s life in a peaceful manner, while a financial and emotional burden can also be lifted off of the family members. In the eyes of others, euthanasia is an act that goes against God’s will and the idea that death is spiritually important and shouldn’t be altered (BBC, 2009). Aside from the fact that euthanasia is also referred to as “mercy killing”, it is still the act of murder—an unlawful premeditated killing of another human being (Answers, n.d.). I personally am against the practice of euthanasia because it is immoral and wrongful. Recurrently, there are cases where patients aren’t given a choice when it comes to euthanasia. In fact, many ill patients lack the sufficient knowledge needed to ease their own symptoms, and aren’t in stable enough conditions to make critical decisions revolving life and death. After being in constant care, it is common for these patients to feel anxious about the future of their health, as well as pressured to make this choice; in hopes that they will become less of a burden towards their family members. It is also possible for doctors to misdiagnose an ill patient. “It is foolish to claim that incorrect diagnoses and prognoses could never occur” (Ethical Rights, 2013). In fact, millions of patients all over the globe are constantly being
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