a Gap Of Sky

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A Gap of Sky Being young is not always so easy, because a part of our youth is to experience life and its possibilities. And sometimes we have to make some decisions that we do not like. But the question is how fare will we go, for reaching our goals and feel free? Without hope, strength and faith this question will never be realized; so we cannot reach the highest skies without believing in our self and the choices that we make. The nineteen years old Ellie in the short story “A Gap of Sky” probably would like to change some of her life choices, since they have left her in a position where she is mad and searches for freedom: “…doesn’t want any bloody ink, can’t write an essay, no matter what it matters, doesn’t want any more coke, ever again” (p.4 line 87-88) Ellie tries to pull herself to finish her essay, but she feels that it is too hard; she does not has strength of will to finish this task, because she believes that there is more into life than making an essay. Furthermore she blames her parents: “It was their fault she was doing this bloody course in the first place” (p.3 line 66) During the short story it is very obvious that Ellie is tired of school and therefore she blames her parents; she is tired of things that she has to do. She knows that she has to finish the essay in order to stay on the course. She search for freedom, she knows that there is more to life than education, duties and to obey with expectations and demands. Drugs, cigarettes and booze are wonderful and means a lot to her, when it comes to living life to its maximum and to obey the feeling of freedom: “…She will not die…only living life and if that was sometimes a little extreme, well, how should life be lived” (p.4 line 98-99) Furthermore Ellie’s parents seem to be religious. Ellie remembers the stone her mother gave her, which symbolizes protection, but the

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