A Gap Of Sky

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A Gap of sky The short story “A Gap of sky”, by Anna Hope, is about how youth often is characterized by life, desire and a feeling of freedom and invincibility. The setting is in today’s London and the author starts in medias res “It is dark, but the wrong dark. Something is wrong with the dark” (l.1). Because of this the author establishes, by his use of words such as not just dark but the wrong dark, a rather gloomy mood. The story is about how being young and, although freedom is within reach, responsibility and expectations are right behind you, reminding you of reality. The youth is a vital part of your life providing background for what the personality of the person concerned ends up to be. Every person has different ways of looking at freedom. Some people like to take a run in the nature, open their minds and others do drugs to escape from reality. In “A Gap of Sky” the girl called Ellie deals with the issues of drugs, freedom and responsibility. She does a lot of coke and seems to be addicted and needs it so she can write her essay. “and then more coke arriving”(l.20) “Coke. Does she have any left? … Yesssss! Clever Ellie. Little bump just to get things started.” (l.30-33). Ellie also likes to party and the night before seemed to be pretty rough with booze, smoking crack pipe, taking drugs and ending up with some bruises. “rests her swollen cheek against her palm” (l.3) “her chest hurts.”(l.11) In the morning of this wild night, she wakes up and realizes that she has an essay due to the day after and if she doesn’t hand it in she will be kicked out of university. This makes her choose between having many days of complete freedom or doing the essay and continuing the course which she loathes. Even though it’s very tough on her and she definitely doesn’t want to continue, she knows that this is what she has and needs to do. “She thinks of this past
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