A Comparison of the Life of Women in Sparta and Athens

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A Comparison of the Life of Women in Sparta and Athens The life of women in ancient history was challenging, to say the least. I feel that you cannot compare any two nationalities like you can compare the women from Athens and the women from Sparta. A frequently asked question concerning this topic would be how the challenges differ between the women of Sparta and the women of Athens. These challenges may be compared in the following ways; The role of women in Athens was simple yet defined; they were to be controlled by the men in their lives at all times. Before marriage, they were controlled by their father. After marriage, the control shifted to the husband. The women would spend most of their time in the household and leave only to perform religious duties. The women in Athens did not get any type of education what so ever. They were considered to be just slightly above how slaves would be treated. Instead of getting an education, the Athena women learned household skills such as; sewing, cooking, weaving, spinning, and other household duties. The role of the women in Sparta was somewhat different. Only the women of Sparta enjoyed economic power and influence. These women were recognized as having opinions, which they often spoke in public. Their husbands often listened to these opinions although they would never admit it. Participation in sports and public education was also permitted. Marriage was one of the biggest differences in these two cultures. Marriage was a complicated things in these places. This was because the men in these womens' lives were gone away for some time. In Sparta, they were gone away to war and in Athens they spent time away talking about things like politics. In Athens was nothing like the marriage we have now a days. Fathers would choose there daughters husband, while they were at a very young age. Some other women would

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