A Change Within My Life

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Life is about making choices, but some of them can even change your life. There are many things in life that can change the course of someone’s life. It can either make a positive impact or a negative impact on a person’s life. It’s always best to have the positive impact though. For me I have had a positive experience that has changed my life forever and that was having my beautiful baby girl. Nine months ago I gave birth to a healthy baby girl, who has changed everything about me. I remember spending my days shopping at the mall, not worrying about spending too much money and partying all the time. Before my daughter’s birth I was carefree and a huge party girl, without a care in the world. After her birth I grew up, stopped partying and took on the responsibility that was gifted to me. March 31, 2010 was when everything changed; I gave birth to my daughter MeSha’e . Sitting in the doctor’s office, my fiancé and I were holding hands patiently waiting for the results of the pregnancy test. We have been anxiously waiting since the day we scheduled for the appointment. The doctor came back with the results, “you all are going to be parents” the doctor said. My fiancé and I were so happy, we had really big smiles on our faces and I started to cry. We ran to go tell everyone the good surprising news. The both of us started thinking of boy and girl names; we couldn’t wait to find out the gender of the baby. As we told our family and friends the surprising news about the baby, there was a lot of shouting and crying of joy. My fiancé and I went out to eat at Ruby Tuesday’s to celebrate. As we walked into the restaurant the smell of all the fresh food passed my nose. The seats were very soft and comfy, we really enjoyed ourselves. When we left I started to feel sick, it felt as though someone hit me in my stomach. I guess the baby did not like what I ate because it all
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