a Campus Novel

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SUB 5 A campus novel, also known as an academic novel, is a novel whose main action is set in and around the campus of a university. The genre in its current form dates back to the early 1950s. The Groves of Academe by Mary McCarthy, published in 1952, is often quoted as the earliest example. Campus novels exploit the closed world of the university setting, with characters inhabiting unambiguous hierarchies. They may describe the reaction of a fixed socio-cultural perspective (the academic staff) to new social attitudes (the new student intake). University stories are rich with narratives of human relations, crises of being and belonging, identity formation and disintegration. They concern families and private comically and tragically askew. The ideal life of the mind is celebrated , but time and again reveals its social disconnect from reality, in novel and after novel, are juxtaposed with philosophical inquires in discourses ranging from the linguistic and scientific to the patriotic and the psychotic. The university existence, the thinking and writing life, is revealed as a pressure – cooker of emotional and political conflicts taking place behind ivy – lined hallways and oak – paneled doors. Here is the ancient Oxbridge, the American Ivy League, the provincial redbrick university , the struggling liberal arts college and the Midwestern super-campus. We learn the academic novel is multi-genre in the way the university has become a multiversity. It is constructed of intellectual game-playing and demands , shoulder – rubbing humiliations and reassurances. It pushes various characters , plots, authorial tones, linguistic signifiers. But the academic novel never loses sight of its cohesion circulating around ideas of professional behaviour following certain normative and deviant tropes – the professors of desire and suffering, the struggling and feminist
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