A Brief Analysis on the Current Popularity of Vampire Culture

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A Brief Analysis on The Current Popularity of Vampire Culture Abstract: This content is talking about vampire culture, the folks of the vampire origins and different beliefs of vampires in different times. Also it gives some reasons for the popularity of vampire culture in recent times. Contrast demonstrates, verification and literature data collection are the used methods. They can help the readers take the topic easily and get a clear clue to understand the theme. The study of this subject is to aim at learning to take the right attitude towards new trend, especially new culture. We shall think deeply about what we can get from other nations’ culture . Meanwhile as a Chinese, we must take great efforts to develop our own special culture. We shall never forget our old folks and traditions in this diversity culture world. Keywords: Vampire, Vampire culture, Culture 摘要:本文讨论的是部分吸血鬼文化,民间传说中的吸血鬼起源以及不同时代人们对于吸血鬼概念的不同理解。本文论述了部分当代吸血鬼文化流行的原因。论述手法有对比论证,举例论证和文献采集。这些论述手法很容吸引读者,让他们对主题的理解有清晰的脉络。本文旨在面对新趋势,特别是新文化时,我们应该采取理性的态度。我们理应深入思考我们可以从别人的文化中吸取什么。同时,作为一个中国人,我们应该尽可能的去发展我们自己的特色文化。在文化多元化的当今时代,我们决不能忘记自己的传统。 关键词:吸血鬼,吸血鬼文化,文化 Chapter 1 Introduction The vampire, to believe or not, to go against religion or not, is one real kind of culture. Culture is like universe, mysterious and expansive. It attracts us all. The more we want to explore, the more addicted we will be. You are like a lost sailor, sailing alone under the beautiful dark night sky, to find your own lighthouse. As soon as we can understand better about one culture, less mistakes will be made. And it’s easier to choose the right way when roads diverged in a wood.“Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person”. To afraid of vampires, to scold them, then

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