A Better World

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A BETTER WORLD :> We all aim for a better life without further thinking about the fact that if we make the world a better place, we will ameliorate not only our lives but also our next generations. Making the world a better place is not by selling your property or going to Alaska to save polar bears. A small action could give a great impact. Therefore, I will start with gaining people to help on saving the environment and creating a better world for humankind. Earth was already perfect for the livings long before we destroyed them, so it is our responsibility now to help the Mother Nature. To do so, I think that we should start by sorting garbage. It is not difficult to have a couple of packages with different kinds of garbage and throw it in the bins with the corresponding names. This would be a great help to the earth as collecting garbage is a huge problem in most of the cities in the world. Next, we should save electricity. As we know, electricity is very significant to us, but what we do not know is excess of electricity would endanger the earth. There are many ways to cure this crisis and one of them is by using efficient energy bulb. This will provide us the correct amount of energy needed by the appliance while protecting the environment. Besides that, electrical appliances should be switch off at all times when it is not in used. Water is also vital for the livings. If we forgot to close a tap, we will waste hundreds of gallons of water. How can we get pure and clean water when we are the ones misusing it? Hence, we should bear in mind that without water, our beloved earth and the lives of our next generation will be devastated. Furthermore, we should all plant trees. Forests are the lungs of the earth. If we continuously deforesting, our planet will get exterminate. That is why; replanting trees will help to make the world a better place. Imagine

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