90 Day Fitness Plan

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America is one of the most obese countries in the world, and the reasons are quite obvious. Just take a look around you. Fast food chains on every block (unhealthy foods are much less expensive than the healthy foods we should be eating), more and more technology to make our lives easier (and lazier), and high amounts of stress are all factors to weight gain in our country. A recent study done by Harvard in January 2010 shows that obesity rates have reached a constant level and stayed there for the past five years, but still the levels of obesity are unacceptable. Almost 34 percent of American adults are obese; this number is more than double the amount of 30 years ago. And the percentage of obese children has nearly tripled in that time, to 17 percent. A big reason why so many people have trouble staying on track is that they caught up in the latest trend and don’t focus on what they need as individuals. Your fitness choice should play to “exercise personality.” You maybe someone who hates to exercise, but you know why you need to get moving. Gyms intimidate you. You think sweating is gross, and you’ve never had an athletic day in your life. Or maybe you’re someone who exercises sporadically and the results have come at a snail’s pace, if at all. For the past 10 years of my life, I also was an obese and the primary reasons were eating cheap fast food and high stress level at work. In 2012, I went to the doctor for a normal checkup and I was told that my blood pressure was at all time high and if I don’t lose weight I will be prone to a heart attack by age 30. This doctor visit opened my eyes and I began my own journey of weight loss. After doing extensive research, I created my 90 day workout and diet plan which helped me lose 60 pounds and I never gained the weight back. A positive attitude is very important for successful weight loss and weight

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