9.4 The Search For Better Health Case Study

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9.4 – The Search for Better Health: 1. What is a healthy organism? • Discuss the difficulties in defining the terms ‘health’ and ‘disease’: – ‘Health’ is difficult to define as health has many components, such as physical, mental, and social, some of which are very subjective – ‘Disease’ is also difficult to define, as it also has many components. Because it is describing a state of impaired functioning, it depends on an organism’s normal level of functioning, and what they expect their quality of life to be. – Definitions: ▪ Health: A state of complete physical, mental and social health, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. ▪ Disease: A state of impaired functioning of an organism, including impaired physical, social and mental functioning. • Outline how the…show more content…
– Antigen ( ANTIbody-GENerating substance – It may be part of a pathogen or even a toxic molecule – E.G. – The glyco-protein spikes on the surface of the influenza virus act as antigens, triggering the immune response. The venom of poisonous snakes also contains antigens. • Explain why organ transplants trigger an immune response: – All an individual’s cells are recognised by the immune system as belonging to the body – the body recognises it as ‘self’ – Any other substances are recognised as ‘non-self’ – foreign. – A transplanted organ contains substances which the immune system recognises as being foreign. These substance acts as ANTIGENS. – This stimulates the body to make antibodies and other substances which attack and can possibly destroy the organ • Identify defence adaptations, including: □ Inflammation response: □ Phagocytosis: □ Lymph system: □ Cell death to seal off pathogen: – SECOND LINE OF

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