Family Therapy Essay

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FAMILY THERAPY Family Therapy is therapy that involves the whole, or part of, a family. Family therapy is based on the belief that the family is a unique social system with its own structure and patterns of communication. These factors are determined by parents beliefs and values, the personalities of all family members, and the influence of the extended family (grandparents, aunts, and uncles). As a result of these variables, each family develops its own unique personality, which is powerful and affects all of its members. In general anyone who wants to improve trouble relationships can benefit from family therapy. Family therapy can be used to address many specific issues, such as: -conflict between parents and children -marital and financial problems -the effects of substance abuse and depression on the entire family -family relationships and changes in family life -adult mental health -parenting issues or skills -supporting family members through separation, and divorce -child and adolescent behavior -emotional disorders including anxiety, depression, loss and grief -anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders -supporting family members in step-family life -emotional abuse or violence -trauma -work stress -health problems (could be chronic) Some forms of family therapy are based on cognitive, behavioral, experiential, psychodynamic psychology, the most commonly practiced methods of this therapy are based on Family Systems Theory. Family systems theory proposes that we as individuals first learn about ourselves, our emotions and how to manage close relationships from the experience we have growing up in or family of origin. This personal experience influences how we tend to function in all other relationships we may have throughout our lives. As we come to better understand ourselves in our family emotional system, and work to

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