The Development Of Self-Concept, Self-Esteem, And

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Self-concept, self-esteem, and self-efficacy make up one’s perception of themselves. There are many influences that development of these on one’s self. 1) Self-concept is an organized collection of beliefs about the self. They shape social perception and are developed from past experience and are concerned with one’s personality traits, abilities, physical features, values, goals and social roles. They can be positive or negative things in one’s life. Things that can shape one’s self-concept are “one’s own observations”- observe own behaviors and draw conclusions about themselves early in life. “Social comparison theory”- proposes to compare themselves with others to access their abilities and opinions. “Feedback from other”-from important people in our lives. Early on parents are the biggest influence on our lives. You learn from friends and family. Social-context is when socializing is not good developmentally when in isolation. Social context affects how a person thinks and feels about you and others. A cultural value in society in which one is raised defines what is desired and undesired in personality and behavior. Individualism is when you put your goals first and finding personal identity. Collectivisms is when you put group goals ahead of self and defines self as group that belongs to family tribe work and social class. 2) Self-esteem refers to one’s overall assessment of one’s worth as a person. Development is typically in childhood. The biggest influence on self-esteem is parenting, acceptance, and control. Also a big influence is teachers, peers, and close friends. Or older children it is parents and classmates. There are four distinct parenting styles; Authorative, Authoritanan, Permissive, and neglective. Authorative is high emotional support and firm but reasonable. Authoritanan is low emotional support. Permissive is high
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