Strengths & Weaknesses In Communication

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Strengths & Weaknesses in Communication Because it is the keystone of social interaction, communication, the mean whereby people exchange information, plays a crucial role in our life. Not only do most of day to day situations require communication, but they also imply communication, which is unavoidable. You indeed need to communicate in order to learn, to work, to buy, to sell, to date, or to make friendships, and in most cases you don’t even have the choice: every time you see other people, you’re communicating by your behavior, your facial expression, your physical settings, what you say and how you say it. Even not answering your phone is a way of communicating with others. Besides, along with new communication patterns, the Information Age has brought new tools to communicate which increase and fasten the communications between people. For all these reasons, it is very important to understand the way you communicate and to know your strengths and weaknesses in communication, in order to control communication and its power. Written communication As for me, written communication is one of my strengths. I indeed spend a lot of time using written communication to communicate with my friends, family, teachers and boss, through the internet: emails and chatrooms. I can communicate with several people at the same time; we share information faster and easier in comparison with other types of human interaction and it therefore saves time on calls and personal meetings. For example, we have a lot of teamwork to do at Dawson, and one of the ways to do it would be to have meetings every day to talk about our work and share knowledge. Instead of doing so, we keep each other informed using group emails, which both help us to be aware of each other’s work and saves a lot of time. If I have a specific problem, or if I need to discuss something with one team member
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