8 Key Competences and Classroom Management

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Task 8 The role of the 8 key competences in language learning and classroom management The way to deal with educational processes has changed with times. Society goes on, for good or bad, and so do educational institutions, in order to keep up with the requirements the environment is asking for. In this process, teachers are often disoriented due to the great amount of changes occurring almost at the same time. Thus, it is necessary that teachers of any level of education become researchers of their own praxis, in order to make the changes arise from the praxis and not from outside as imposed policies that, sometimes, seem to emerge by spontaneous generation attempting to maintain us in the changing global currents. Education as a permanent process has been the center of many studies and for this reason this topic sometimes sounds repetitive and lacking creativity. However, its continual study has not yet agreed upon the right tools to make it more motivating, flexible and effective towards the changes our society is facing nowadays; on the contrary, education today is suffering a crisis, precisely because teachers and the educational system in general have ignored the fact that we are living in a new era, then, as a consequence education has become a very slow and long term process. We as English teachers can experience this situation when we see our colleagues practicing this foreign language (English) but a question arises, how has this knowledge transformed his/her life? Because when we teach a language, it carries out a set of variables because we not only teach that language, but also a culture, a different way to see the world. As a clear example we have “the key competences to language teaching and classroom management” which attempt to provide lifelong learning for a successful life and well functioning society involving knowledge, aptitudes and
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