7c's Essay

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English The 7 Cs of Communication The 7Cs of Communication are i) Clear, ii) Concise, iii) Concrete, iv) Correct, v) Coherent, vi) Complete, vii) Courteous. The 7Cs are helpful in proofreading your work before giving in. Clear is to simplify your message so that the reader can understand without using his own Assumptions. Concise is keeping the statement brief making the reader feel comfortable. Concrete is important so that your message is solid, but doesn't overwhelm the reader. The reader should have a clear idea of what you are saying but should not have so much details that they become confused. Correct is to make sure that you don’t have writing of grammatical errors. Coherent is making sure that the flow of the communication is consistent and all points are relevant to the main topic. Complete is when the communication has no further explanation required by the reader to understand. Courteous is being open and keeping no secrets. Examples : Clear: Dear Mrs. Stevens, I'm emailing you today to inform you about your son, Brad. Brad has been very helpful in class lately, especially when it comes to answering questions. I thought I would take a moment of my spare time to let you know about the good work he has been doing. Concise: Hi Jeffery, I wanted to briefly mention an idea for a new lunch menu item for the students. Perhaps we can now provide fresh fruits for the students to have a healthier lunch alternative. What is your opinion of adding fruit to the menu? Thanks, Faisal Concrete: Stephen lives down the street at 1203 Fake Street. His house is on the corner, and is only one floor high. It's the only red house on the entire block. Correct: I study in Forman Christian College, Lahore. Coherent: Hey Billy, as I was telling you earlier I went to the job interview for the new company. I answered the
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