7 Organizational Approaches to Studying the Human Body

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The seven organizational approaches to studying the human Body Geneve Lane 10/12/2013 UOPX geneve The seven organization approaches for studying the human body are: Body Planes and Direction, Body Cavities, Quadrants and Regions, Anatomy and Physiology, Microscopic and Macroscopic, Body Systems, and Medical Specialties. The first approach is body planes and direction. A plane is an imaginary flat surface that divides the body into two parts. There are three main body planes and they are the coronial or frontal plane, the sagittal plane, and transverse plane. These planes divide the body into front, back, right and left and top and bottom. Body direction represents movement away from these planes. The frontal plane is the vertical plane that divides the body into front and back sections. The front part of the body is the anterior section and posterior is the back part of the body. Prone is the face down position and being dorsal is lying on the back. The sagittal plane is the vertical plane that divides the body into the left and right sides. Transverse is the horizontal plane that divides the body into the top and bottom sections. Superior is the upper part of the body while the bottom is the inferior. Distal is moving from the trunk of the body to the end of a limb and proximal is moving from the end of a limb toward the body. Structures on the surface of the body are external while structures on the inside are internal. A cavity is a hollow space; there are six cavities in the body. They include the Cranial Cavity, Spinal Cavity, Thoracic Cavity, Abdominal Cavity, Pelvic Cavity, and Abdominopelvic Cavity. The Cranial Cavity is within the bony cranium which contains the brain, cranial nerves, and other structures. The spinal Cavity is a continuation of the cranial cavity and includes the spinal cord, spinal nerves, and other structures. Then there is

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