Classical Conditioning Essay

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Classical Conditioning The classical conditioning approach is an associative learning approach that played a major role in the development of the science of psychology. Classical conditioning can also be referred to as Pavlovian or respondent conditioning. The following paper is designed to explain the theory of classical conditioning. A scenario will be provided that will apply the classical conditioning theory. The scenario will be explained and a chart will be complied that will demonstrate how classical conditioning applies to this scenario. Classical Conditioning Theory Ivan Petrovich Pavlov is the founder of the classical conditioning theory. Pavlov, a Russian psychologist was studying the secretion of stomach acids and salivation of dogs when they were presented with different kinds and different amounts of food (Feldman, 2010). While doing so, Pavlov noticed that the amount of salivation would often increase when the dogs had not eaten any food. The mere presence of the person who supplied the food or the footsteps of that person would stimulate the dogs and more stomach acid would be produced (Feldman, 2010). This increased stomach acid and salivation led Pavlov to the discovery of classical conditioning. Classical conditioning is defined as a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to elicit a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally brings about that response (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2009). In layman terms this means that classical conditioning is associated learning or learning through experience. Pavlov’s work with dogs continued as he learned more about classical conditioning. Pavlov started with the neutral stimulus of ringing a bell. This led to the dogs being startled and their ears perked up showing they were aware of the sound. This is termed a neutral stimulus because before the dogs are conditioned, it does
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