5 Major Documents, Comparison

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The 5 documents, The Magna Carta, The English Bill of Rights, The American Declaration of Independence, The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, and the US Bill of Rights all tie in to each other’s similarities in differences one by one. The historical documents of the British heritage are documents which build upon one another. The American government is an extension of the famous British documents spanning over 500 years prior to the creation of the United States of America’s Constitution. The 2 major British documents (The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights) prove to be essential and influential towards the construction of the Declaration of Independence in the United State of America. The main concepts and principles of these 3 documents, as a result, are seen through 1 document, called The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, which grasps all the essential concepts of these 3 documents as well as some other modified concepts. As a result of those 4 documents, the US Bill of Rights is soon created, which combines all the ideas of the 4 previous documents to form one smart, balanced and precise document. In retrospect, these 5 documents form the basis of our modern world today; however they do have some slight differences which made the countries France, Britain, and USA differ from each other in slight and major ways. The Magna Carta was referred to by Winston Churchill as “a law which is above the King and which even he must not break. This reaffirmation of a supreme law and its expression in a general charter is the great work of Magna Carta; and this alone justifies the respect in which men have held it” (Magna Carta). However, the Magna Carta did not have an easy beginning. It was a document based on a reaction of events. The Magna Carta had been a reaction to King John’s loss at the battle of Bouvines in
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