Psychosocial Assesment of the Well Elderly

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Psychosocial Assessment of the Well Elderly

Through the duration of this assignment, my older adult will be identified as E.M. for confidentiality purposes.
Part A: Planning I chose my older adult for this assignment on the basis that the individual was sixty-five years of age or older, living independently, and that I did not know them very well. Since I did not know of anyone that met this criteria, I decided to travel to Collingwood, ON to conduct the interview with my boyfriend’s grandmother E.M. I called her before my reading week break and asked E.M if I could interview her for my well elderly assignment. Together, we arranged a date that would mutually suit both of us, and I gathered my papers and made some questions up for the assignment.

Part B: Implementation There are three phases of interview orientation, working, and termination. (P During the orientation phase, the nurse introduces oneself to client, and begins to explain the interviews purpose. Upon meeting I introduced myself, stated that I am a Practical Nursing student in semester one at Conestoga College, and I explained to E.M. about how the interview would be conducted. I told E.M. that I was collecting data in order to provide myself with the opportunity to identify my strengths and weaknesses, and integrate my interviewing and communication skills learned in semester one of Practical Nursing. Once again, I reminded E.M. about the confidentiality between us, and that she did not have to answer any questions that she did not feel comfortable with. I reassured E.M. that I was using initials only in my assignment, and that the only other person viewing this interview would be my Nursing Practice teacher. During this time, I demonstrated professionalism by arriving on time, well dressed, and had all materials prepared and ready for the interview.

During the working phase of the

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