The Evidence For Gender Differences In Aggressive Behavior

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The word gender has been used to refer cognitive and social differences between males and females and sex refers to biological and physical differences. The process in which children acquire the values, motives and behaviors viewed as appropriate for males or females is referred to as gender typing. Children begin by developing gender based beliefs about what behaviors are appropriate, these beliefs are derived largely from gender stereotypes which are beliefs that members of entire culture hold about the attitudes and behaviors acceptable and appropriate for each sex they say the way male and female should act and should be. Gender roles are composites of distinctive behaviors that males and females in a culture actually exhibit and thus are essentially the reflections of a culture’s gender stereotypes, Gender identity is also developed early in life a perception of themselves as either masculine or feminine and having the characteristics and interest that are appropriate to their gender. There are few gender differences in aggression in infancy, boys are more likely than girls to investigate and be involved in aggressive incidents by the time they were toddlers. Boys and girls Aggressive patterns differ in important ways; boys are more likely than girls to retaliate after being attacked and they are more likely to attack a male than a female. Boys are less likely than girls to engage in negative self evaluation, they less likely to anticipate parental disapproval for acting aggressively and they are also more likely to approve of aggression. When girls attempt to resolve conflicts they tend to use strategies as verbal objection and negotiation methods that may make the escalation of a quarrel into overt aggression less likely There is a link between hormones and aggression; this can be seen clearly in adolescence when hormone levels rise. Brooks and Reddon
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