307 Task 307

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307 Task A Ai 1. Data Protection Act 2. Freedom of Information Act 3. Care Standards 4. The Health and Social Care Act (Regulated activities) and the Essential Standards and the Codes of Practice for Social Care Workers Aii On your day to day duties as a social care worker you are expected to follow a set of rules which is the Code of Practice. Such codes are important as each social worker and social work practice will encounter them several times a day. Whilst handling information you are in receipt of information that could put individuals at risk if it were to land into the hands of those it shouldn’t. By following rules of confidentiality you are following the Data Protection Act which is a law introduced to protect individuals…show more content…
Ask them how they would feel if their private information was made available to everyone and have a discussion on the potential harm of careless disclosure of information. 2. Show them a copy of your organisation’s Policy and Procedures in ways to demonstrate the importance of information security. Explain the legislation that it is based on and their duties, plus the consequences to them and their setting if they don't adhere to the policy. Aiv 1. Offer information sessions or training from researchers to those practitioners involved who you feel would benefit in gaining the knowledge needed to understand the different systems used to record information. 2. Offer shadowing periods where you can explain the different systems used to record information. They can then then observe and practice them, whilst you monitor them as they use them. 307 Task B Bi Ensure that all case work is completed and recorded at the end of each shift, or the following morning so they are fresh in your mind. This will ensure that the records are accurate. Whilst completing these case notes, assessments or plans be sure that they are completed on the correct documentation within your organisation to ensure the correct code of practice and consistency in gathering this information in a clear and precise
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